The pandemic grew at-home occasions for tea, mainly because downtown office workers no longer visited cafes and restaurants where tea is served. Refrigerated tea, mainly in cans and bottles but increasingly in bulk containers, showed gains in grocery in 2021, while traditional tea bags and loose leaf lost share. Photo Adobe iStock.

在疫情和气候的影响下,2021年美国和欧洲的冷藏、冷泡和冰茶的销量创下新高。然而,最显着的趋势要追溯到 2020 年,当时红茶首次失去其主导地位,红茶曾是美国零售店散茶和袋泡茶的绝对领导者。
The pandemic and climate drove refrigerated, cold-brewed, and iced tea sales to new highs in both the US and Europe in 2021. However, the most significant trend dates to 2020, when black tea, for the first time, lost its dominance as the outright leader of loose and bagged tea sales in US retail outlets.
预计到 2028年,全球绿茶销售额将增长11.9%,达到340亿美元,但植物饮料更有可能成为之前红茶饮用者们的首选。
Sales of green tea globally are projected to grow 11.9% through 2028 to $34 billion, but botanicals are more likely the infusion of choice for former black tea drinkers.

Taking tea at home is preferred in most countries except the US, where iced and ready-to-drink teas, consumed away from home, account for almost half of sales. In 2021 sales of tea online promoting health benefits and convenience-focused retail formats like iced-tea drive-thru outlets boosted at-home consumption.
根据总部位于芝加哥的市场研究公司 IRI 的数据,包装茶的销售额在2021年下降了6%,至14亿美元。每单位的价格随着通货膨胀而上涨(0.07美元至3.53美元)。袋泡茶和散茶的单位销售额下降了7.8%。相比之下,罐装和瓶装茶的销售额增长4.4% ,至43亿美元,但单位销售额也下降了 2.8%,主要是由于餐饮服务关闭。
According to IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm, sales of packaged tea declined 6% in 2021 to $1.4 billion. The price per unit increased ($0.07 to $3.53) in step with inflation. Unit sales of tea bags and loose leaf tea declined 7.8%. In contrast, sales of canned and bottled teas grew 4.4% to $4.3 billion, but here, too, unit sales declined 2.8%, mainly due to foodservice closures.
“Black tea has been consistently losing share to other formats, above all fruit and herbal tea, which appeared to better address consumer concerns,” writes Euromonitor in its tea in the US report.

Euromonitor饮料分析师 Matthew Barry 写道:“美国的茶特别容易受到新冠疫情的影响,因为其中很大一部分是在餐饮服务中消费的。” Statista 估计,到 2025 年,茶叶领域 52% 的支出和 5% 的消费量将来自户外。2019年,这一比例为 48%。在美国,下降最为明显的是午餐搭配的冰茶,以及在茶室、旅游景点和酒店的庆祝场合饮用的热茶。
“Tea in the United States was uniquely vulnerable to (COVID-19) since an unusually high proportion of it is consumed at foodservice,” writes Euromonitor beverage analyst Matthew Barry. Statista estimates that 52% of spending and 5% of volume consumption in the tea segment will be out-of-home by 2025. In 2019, that proportion was 48%. In the US, the decline is most evident as iced tea at lunch occasions plummeted along with hot tea served as celebratory occasions in tearooms, tourist locations, and hotels.
根据“未来市场观察”的数据,到 2022年,全球即饮饮料市场价值约174 亿美元,预计将以 6.5% 的复合年增长率增长,到 2032 年将产生 280 亿美元的销售额。
Globally the ready-to-drink beverage market was valued at $17.4 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 6.5%, according to Future Market Insights generating an estimated $28 billion in sales by 2032.