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Tea on its way overseas. Tea export volumes are down as the pandemic continues to disrupt supply.


Global tea exports through the spring months of 2021 had not offset setbacks in 2020 when tea sales from all countries declined to $7.1 billion, a shortfall of -8.6% compared to 2019.

中国保持其主导地位,2020年占全球茶叶出口总额的 28.7%,销售额超过20亿美元,几乎是肯尼亚11亿美元出口收入的两倍。

China retains its dominance, earning a 28.7% share of tea export value globally in 2020 with more than $2 billion in sales, nearly double Kenya’s $1.1 billion export earnings.


Sri Lanka’s tea exports were valued at $712 million, which is down but well ahead of India, which experienced sharp declines through 2020. Hard-hit by the pandemic with an estimated 1.1 million deaths, India’s tea industry earned $692 million from tea exports in 2020 and is likely to see a significantly greater decline in volume in 2021, according to the Tea Board of India.

印度茶叶委员会称,2020年印度茶叶出口量为2.08亿公斤,预计2021年将下降15%。2021年1月至3月,茶叶出口量相比2020年同期下降13%,比2019年下降29%。到3月,印度茶叶总产量为4600万公斤,2020年同期产量为5300万公斤。2021印度全年茶叶出口可能下降 3000至4000万公斤。

The board estimated Indian exports would decline 15% from the 208 million kilos exported in 2020. January through March, exports declined 13% compared to 2020 and were down by 29% compared to 2019. Total production stands at 46 million kilos through March, compared to 53 million kilos during the same period in 2020. Exports may decline by 30 to 40 million kilos for the year.

根据World’s Top Exports数据显示,2020年波兰的茶叶出口额为2.645亿美元,成为茶叶出口额前五国家之一,超过了排名第6的德国和排名第9的英国。分析师 Daniel Workman 写道,在茶叶出口大国中,“2019年至2020年出口额增长最快的是荷兰(增长22%)、日本(增长12.5%)、印度尼西亚(增长4.3%)和波兰(增长3.6%)。”

Poland earned $264.5 million in sales to emerge as one of the top five exporters by value, surpassing Germany, which ranked 6th, and the UK, which ranked 9th according to World’s Top Exports. Analyst Daniel Workman writes that among the top exporters, "the fastest growing tea exporters from 2019 to 2020 were The Netherland (up 22%), Japan (up 12.5%), Indonesia (up 4.3%), and Poland, up 3.6% by value."


Countries with the greatest decline in tea exports by value include Vietnam (down -43.9%), United Arab Emirates (down -40.9%), the US (down -20.6%) and Sri Lanka, down -18.3%, writes Workman.


“By value, the top five exporters generate more than 67.7% of exports and the 15 top tea exporting countries shipped 85.9% of global exports in 2020,” writes Workman.


Chinese Tea Exports

2020年中国有良好的茶叶出口机会。海关总署报告称,2020 年中国向71个“一带一路”沿线国家销售了15.8万吨茶叶,茶叶价值8.82亿美元。这其中,排名前五的国家是摩洛哥、乌兹别克斯坦、俄罗斯、阿富汗和泰国。

Last year presented surprisingly good export opportunities for China. The General Administration of Customs reported China sold 158,000 metric tons of tea to 71 belt and road countries in 2020. The tea was valued at $882 million. The top five destinations are Morocco, Uzbekistan, Russia, Afghanistan, and Thailand.


Total exports are down in both green and black tea categories during the first months of 2021 compared to spring 2020, according to CTMA.

“2021年1-5月,中国茶叶累计出口量为13.57万吨,同比下降5.8%。出口额为 7.88 亿美元,同比增长 0.71%。5月份出口均价同比上涨15%,增至6.41美元。1月至5月的出口均价为每公斤5.80美元,比去年同期上涨7%。”

“From January to May of 2021, China’s cumulative export volume of tea was 135,700 metric tons, a year-on-year decrease of 5.8%. The export value was $788 million, an increase of 0.71% year-on-year,” according to CTMA. Average export prices rose 15% to $6.41 year-on-year in May. The January through May average price was $5.80 per kilo, up 7% compared to the same period last year.

2021年5月,欧盟和美国并列成为中国最大的茶叶出口目的地,出口额约4500 万美元。Firsd Tea的贾森·沃克 (Jason Walker) 表示,5 月份中国茶叶占美国茶叶进口总量的34%。沃克计算了5月份全球茶叶进口均价为3.82美元,而中国茶叶的均价为每公斤4.38美元,“所有绿茶进口量的33.6%来自中国,但进口额中国茶叶占15.6%。”

The European Union and the US tied as top export destinations for Chinese tea at $45 million. Chinese tea accounted for 34% of total US tea imports in May, according to Jason Walker at Firsd Tea, a division of Zhejiang Tea Group, the world's largest green tea exporter. Walker calculated the average price of global tea imports at $3.82 in May vs. $4.38 per kilo average for Chinese tea, "33.6% of all green tea import (volume) was from China, but only 15.6% of value," writes Walker.

据《贸易财经》报道,中国海关数据显示,(至2021年5月)茶叶出口到中国香港(2700万美元)、日本(1400 万美元)和越南(1200 万美元),此三个国家及地区排在前五名。

According to Trading Economics which reports China Customs data exports to Hong Kong ($27 million), Japan ($14 million), and Vietnam ($12 million) round out the top five trading partners.


