Kenya is the third largest tea-producing country by volume, but most of its output is commodity-grade black tea. In 2021 volume reached 537 million kilos. Only a tenth of that total is orthodox processed whole and broken-leaf tea.

Exports totaled 558,925 million kilos last year. In 2021 tea exports topped $1.36 billion (Ksh135 billion), which was 22% of Kenya’s foreign exchange earnings. The main export markets are Pakistan, Egypt, the United Kingdom, Sudan, and the UAE. Exports to the US are on the rise at 3,535 metric tons. Canada imported 1,086 metric tons of Kenyan tea in 2021.

Tea exports account for 92% of total tea production. Domestic tea drinkers consume the remaining 8%.
Seventeen factories are licensed to produce orthodox and specialty tea. Approximately 31.3 million kilos are grown west of the Great Rift Valley, and 15 million kilos are grown east of the rift (mainly by smallholders).
In October, President William Ruto announced that the government would construct a modern common-use facility in Dongo Kundu to process and package tea. The public-private venture will add value to commodity offerings and expand the availability of orthodox black tea.

同时,肯尼亚茶叶发展局(KTDA)要求政府提供8亿肯尼亚先令(600万美元),以扩大其12家条形红茶生产厂中10家工厂的生产线。肯尼亚茶叶发展局目前生产500万公斤的高价值特种茶。例如,白茶每公斤可带来7000肯尼亚先令(58美元)。紫茶的拍卖价格为每公斤2400肯尼亚先令(20美元),而 CTC红茶的价格为每公斤 270 肯尼亚先令(2.25 美元)。
Simultaneously the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) asked the government for Ksh800 million ($6 million) to expand production lines at 10 of its 12 orthodox tea factories. KTDA currently produces five million kilos of high-value specialty tea. White teas, for example, bring as much as Ksh7000 ($58) per kilogram. Purple teas are auctioned for Ksh2400 ($20) per kilo compared to CTC (crush, tear, curl) teas that sell for Ksh270 ($2.25) per kilo.
肯尼亚在两个市场看到了机会。首先,非洲新的自由贸易协定鼓励邻国购买包装茶以供国内消费。肯尼亚最近向加纳运送了大量 Ketepa Pride品牌产品,这是《非洲大陆自由贸易协定》下的第一批货物。肯尼亚将摩洛哥、毛里求斯和突尼斯列为潜在的贸易伙伴。
Kenya sees opportunities in two markets. First, Africa’s new free agreement encourages neighboring countries to purchase packaged teas for domestic consumption. Kenya recently sent a large shipment of its Ketepa Pride national brand to Ghana, a first under the African Free Trade Continental Area (AFCFTA) pact. Kenya named Morocco, Mauritius, and Tunisia as potential trade partners.
扩大条形茶叶生产也使肯尼亚能够更有利地与斯里兰卡竞争,斯里兰卡的优质锡兰茶产量下降了20%。斯里兰卡红茶的售价是肯尼亚散装红茶价格的两倍多。为了加快生产,肯尼亚茶叶发展局增加了补贴,将化肥成本从Ksh6000降低到Ksh3500,他们的目标是每公吨 Ksh2,500到Ksh300。
Expanding orthodox production also enables Kenya to compete better with Sri Lanka, which has seen a 20% decline in the output of premium Ceylon teas. Sri Lanka black teas sell for more than double the price of bulk black teas from Kenya. To accelerate production, KTDA increased subsidies reducing the cost of fertilizer from Ksh6,000 to Ksh3,500 with a target of between Ksh2,500 and Ksh300 per metric ton.
Mudida says the Tea Board of Kenya is collaborating with state and non-state actors to develop and promote a strong Kenya tea brand. The goal is to “enable tea consumers globally to distinguish Kenya tea brands and associate Kenya tea products for their quality and authenticity,” she said.
Kenya is not abandoning bulk production, writes Mudida. “We wish to clarify that it is government policy to upscale tea value addition progressively to enhance tea growers’ earnings. The government has not banned the sale of tea in bulk” she said.
Mudida anticipates a solid return on investment.
“We project that through these incentives, Kenya’s tea industry could generate about 80,000 new jobs and increase annual industry returns substantially,” she said